Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Me

Ten years ago today I became a vegetarian.  I don't know how I remember the exact date all these years but each August 28 I add another year to the record book.  Ten years is a milestone.  

I don't remember if it was my first and failed attempt at becoming a vegetarian when my brother said it, or when I transitioned slowly and did it successfully, but he once said that my attempt would be like when I decided I didn't like Diet Coke.  Briefly in my preteen years I decided I didn't like diet colas anymore and would only drink regular, sugar versions.  That was very short lived.  Ten years later I think back at my brother's comment and smile wide not only because I am still meat free, but I have been dairy-free for one year and pop-free (soda for you odd folk) for about two and a half years.  

Recently a co-worker at my new job made a comment about how much I've cut out of my diet--no meat, no dairy, no pop, etc.  I think back on it and realize that I have set many limits on myself but in doing so I have empowered myself and made myself feel much better physically and mentally.  Each element taken out of my diet was done so for well thought out reasons.  I don't just decide to quit something and chuck it out the window.  

The past ten years have been difficult, to put it lightly.  Learning to live without a major part of your diet that you were raised on is not done with a snap of the fingers, especially when that part seems so ingrained in your culture and traditions.  It's not just about adapting yourself, but trying to get those around you to adapt to you.  

Sitting here contemplating the last decade I am not only proud of myself, but I am gleaming with pride for my family and friends.  My friends took to the vegetarianism a little easier than the family, but my family has gone miles and miles.  Not only does everyone accept my diet, but they have even tried to understand why I do what I do and they are always trying to accommodate my needs.  I am most proud of my parents who have probably grown the most aside from myself.  They had to turn their thinking inside out, sometimes prepare two meals at dinner (even though I said I'd make my own), and always had an extra eye open to make sure I was doing this whole thing right and not becoming malnourished.  They had to learn to accept their daughter as different.  

I was planning a party at a vegetarian and vegan restaurant in the city to celebrate, but scheduling so that enough people can make it is like beating yourself over the head with a frying pan.  It might not happen until the end of next month if it happens at all.  Tonight I may just indulge in a bowl of almond milk ice cream.  By myself.  And ponder. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fest My Face!

I should have written this several days ago, possibly more, but with a new job and seemingly swamped schedule (yet what have I actually done in the past few weeks?) I have not gotten around to putting one Festival of a weekend down-on-blog.

I can't even remember which weekend it was.  I'd have to look up the dates.

At any rate, that Saturday I went to the Renaissance Faire with a very good friend of mine and her buddy from Texas.  They were in for the week and, well, Ren Faires are fun.  I snuck in my bottle of water (sorry, I'm a bit anti-paying-several-dollars-for-bottled-water) and a Cliff bar since I wasn't sure what the food plans were and if there would be anything vegan-friendly there anyhow.  Unless you were in the Far East, I don't imagine very many vegans during the Renaissance period.  I watched Becca and Laura share stewed mushrooms, a turkey leg, and a brownie.  I got hungry at one point and had to venture off on my own to seek out sustenance.  The safest option seemed to be a plate full of tempura vegetables.  Freshly fried veggies on a hot and steamy day.  Mmmm.  They were delicious but I paid for it later.  The best find? Becca spotted a vegan-sugar-free-chocolate-chip-cookie at the bakery.  It was delicious, especially right on top of those veggies.

Sunday I struck out on my own to go to the Veggie Fest for the first time ever.  I earned myself a nice sunburn for forgetting my sunscreen and I didn't get to buy any t-shirts because I forgot to get cash.  Booo.  But I loaded up on fliers and samples (when available).  It would have been better had I not been dripping sweat.  There were more spirituality and yoga booths than I expected considering it was a vegetarian festival, not a spirituality festival.  I guess many people feel the two go hand in hand (and this is where I run into trouble trying to connect with other vegetarians in get-togethers and meet-ups).

Anyhow, guess who ended up getting toys from Veggie Fest?  That's right, the carnivorous dogs!  Pawdukes, a really great dog biscuit company (grain free, vegetarian, soy free), had a booth and they gave me some free samples since they didn't have any cookies small enough for my snots with them but I would have been a repeat customer.  And then I saw the squeaky toys they had for sale.  Perfect sized for my perfect brats!

I did buy myself a 1 year subscription to VegNews magazine.  Because I'm not behind on reading my other magazines already.  And because I don't already get Vegetarian Times.  VegNews is a vegan-only magazine.  I figure I could get some ideas and pointers.

Then I met up with a couple of buddies at Starbucks and had a soy-mocha-frappuccino.  I really need to rake in the stars to retain my Gold status next year!  (No, I don't have a problem...)