Saturday, April 3, 2010

Seders and Sandals

The seder on Monday was pretty nice.  Nothing unusual other than my super-fabulous quinoa dish (recipe courtesy of Becca, one of the greatest friends ever.  No bias.  At all.)

The quinoa was a hit.  After everyone and their shadow asked what the stuff was and how it wasn't a whole grain (my uncle started by saying it's the only grain we can eat on Passover and I had to correct him--No, it's not a grain, that's why we can eat it on Passover).  Nobody missed the matzo kuegel that nobody made because of massive confusion because everyone was too busy enjoying that odd little not-grain.  My cousin even asked for the recipe.  Mmmm.  Yum.

The mock-chopped-liver wasn't such a hit.  I was surprised by how many people actually tried it, though.  It didn't turn out as creamy as I would have liked and it started to separate.  Yuck.  Maybe next time I'll stick in a hard-boiled egg?  (Yes, I know, but I'm the almost vegan).

Over all, satisfactory.

Yesterday my mom and I went shoe shopping.  I needed black sandals because for some reason I only have brown.  I also need some not-gym-shoe-walking-shoes.  I don't understand shoe makers.  Really.  Some of the shoes/sandals/footwear out there that has leather on it really does not need leather.  There will be a millimeter strip of leather that could have been made of vinyl but no, it's got to be leather.  This makes footwear shopping excessively difficult.  I wandered the aisles about three times before finally finding two pairs of sandals.  I had to look at the "ingredients" of the second pair three times and have my mom act as a second pair of eyes.  I usually pass up certain brands such as Clarks because they are always leather.  But I was desperate.  And what?  Man made upper?  Man made sole?  What?  I took them and ran.  Somebody out there is playing with me.  Evil.

But I win.

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