Saturday, June 26, 2010

Don't Be Such a Baby

I've noticed over the years since becoming a vegetarian that I'm not as strong as I used to be.

I'm not talking physical prowess here, but stomach strength.  You know, the ability to sit through blood, guts, and gore and not flinch or feel acidity creeping up the back of your throat.  That kind of strength.

I used to be able to sit through the grossest of TV shows and movies.  I would watch marathons of Emergency Vets on Animal Planet, my eyes wide open during the surgery clips, dreaming of the day I'd be standing there saving the lives of animals.  Needless to say, I never went that route with my life.  I even went to see Saving Private Ryan at the movie theater, no the least bit sickened by the splaying of intestines, flying of limbs, and whatnot in the first scene.  Then I went home and had a hamburger for dinner.  I was strong.

Now I can't even read a graphic description without feeling at least a little bit queasy.  I just finished a book that described dissected bodies, bloodied and smashed up bodies post-fight, 1800s surgery patients, and I knew the grumbling in my stomach was not hunger.

This weakness has been a developing thing in my life and yet it still feels so alien, very unlike me.  I can stand the sight of blood and road kill simply makes me sad unless it's especially messy in which case I try not to look.  But these movies and TV shows and books.  What is wrong with me?

I can't help but wonder if it's the diet.  Does eating flesh harden a person to the ugliness?

Just some food for thought.


  1. I think it has to do with getting older, not that you're old, but I used to be the same way--nothing really grossed me out or gave me the willies. Now I can't get blood drawn without feeling like I'm going to pass out. And I eat meat. Definitely, whatever you do, don't rent the movie "Food, Inc." Talk about gross.

  2. It's funny you should mention Food, Inc. because I've been told to watch it!

    With time I've gotten better about getting my blood drawn. But you know the story behind that.

  3. I also recommend Food, Inc. It might gross you out, but I think it will validate your vegan lifestyle.

  4. The lifestyle is already validated. Give extra oomf to the validation, sure.

    I think sometimes people need to be grossed out in situations like Food, Inc., in order to get the message through. It makes us sound insensitive as human beings, but maybe we are.
